The West Wing Scripts/Season 4
Episode 4.23 -- "TWENTY-FIVE”The West Wing Scripts/Season 4 2008. 11. 6. 18:29
THE WEST WING Season Four – 4.23 “TWENTY-FIVE” Original Air Date: 5/14/2003 Written by: Aaron Sorkin Directed by: Thomas Schlamme TEASER FADE IN: INT. PRIVATE ROOM - WHITE HOUSE - NIGHT Instrumental music is playing on a record and, as the camera pans up, the President is seated on a couch opposite of two other men. Abbey Bartlet and two other ladies are seated at a nearby table. A woman's laugh..
Episode 4.22 -- "Commencement"The West Wing Scripts/Season 4 2008. 11. 6. 18:25
THE WEST WING "COMMENCEMENT" WRITTEN BY: AARON SORKIN DIRECTED BY: ALEX GRAVES TEASER FADE IN: INT. JOSH'S OFFICE - DAY The TV in Josh's office is muted, but the reporter is reporting a story on: "Hoynes: Farewell to Politics". Josh is looking through folders. A board behind him is loaded with pictures of different people. He pulls out a seating chart of the Senate and crosses off a name. We can..
Episode 4.21 -- "Life On Mars"The West Wing Scripts/Season 4 2008. 11. 6. 18:24
THE WEST WING "LIFE ON MARS" TELEPLAY BY: AARON SORKIN STORY BY: PAUL REDFORD & DEE DEE MYERS DIRECTED BY: JOHN DAVID COLES TEASER FADE IN: EXT. DRIVEWAY - DAY Charlie is standing under the covered driveway, while rain is pouring down. TUESDAY 5:58 A.M. The press is waiting across the driveway when a cab pulls up and a young woman, CLAIRE HUDDLE, gets out. CHARLIE I'm Charlie Young. CLAIRE HUDDL..
Episode 4.20 -- "Evidence of Things Not Seen"The West Wing Scripts/Season 4 2008. 11. 6. 18:14
THE WEST WING "EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN" TELEPLAY BY: AARON SORKIN STORY BY: ELI ATTIE & DAVID HANDELMAN DIRECTED BY: CHRISTOPHER MISIANO TEASER FADE IN: INT. LEO'S OFFICE - NIGHT C.J., Josh, and Leo are setting up a poker table and assorted snacks. FRIDAY NIGHT C.J. At the exact moment of the equinox. At the exact moment of the equinox. JOSH It doesn't work. C.J. It does work. It has to be t..
Episode 4.19 -- "Angel Maintenance"The West Wing Scripts/Season 4 2008. 11. 6. 18:14
THE WEST WING "ANGEL MAINTENANCE" TELEPLAY BY: ELI ATTIE & AARON SORKIN STORY BY: ELI ATTIE & KEVIN FALLS DIRECTED BY: JESSICA YU TEASER FADE IN: INT. AIR FORCE ONE, PRESS CABIN - NIGHT Most of the press are sleeping, but reporters Steve, Katie, Mark and C.J. are talking. C.J. Because it's 18 hours from Manila, it's 9:25 p.m., Eastern. REPORTER MARK It should be 10:25. C.J. We left Manila at 3:2..
Episode 4.18 -- "Privateers"The West Wing Scripts/Season 4 2008. 11. 6. 18:13
THE WEST WING "PRIVATEERS" TELEPLAY BY: PAUL REDFORD & DEBORA CAHN AND AARON SORKIN STORY BY: PAUL REDFORD & DEBORA CAHN DIRECTED BY: ALEX GRAVES TEASER FADE IN: INT. THE PRESIDENT'S BEDROOM - DAY The phone rings, and Bartlet, in bed, fumbles to pick it up. BARTLET Hello. FEMALE VOICE Mr. President, it's six a.m. BARTLET Oh, okay. I didn't ask for five? FEMALE VOICE You did sir, and the First La..
Episode 4.17 -- "Red Haven's On Fire"The West Wing Scripts/Season 4 2008. 11. 6. 18:12
THE WEST WING "RED HAVEN'S ON FIRE" TELEPLAY BY: AARON SORKIN STORY BY: MARK GOFFMAN & DEBORA CAHN DIRECTED BY: ALEX GRAVES TEASER FADE IN: INT. NEWPORT POLICE STATION - NIGHT NEWSCASTER [on TV] ...with General Vahorean confirming, or I should say, disclosing, for the first time the names of the Marines taken hostage. They are Lance Corporals John Halley and Raymond Rowe and Private First Class ..
Episode 4.16 -- "The California 47th"The West Wing Scripts/Season 4 2008. 11. 6. 18:11
THE WEST WING "THE CALIFORNIA 47TH" TELEPLAY BY: AARON SORKIN STORY BY: LAUREN SCHMIDT & PAULA YAO DIRECTED BY: VINCENT MISIANO TEASER FADE IN: INT. THE SITUATION ROOM - DAY Fitzwallace, Leo and Bartlet are in the Situation Room listening to GENERAL JIMMY WENDALL on a screen giving them an update on Kuhndu. GENERAL JIMMY WENDALL [on screen] ... consisting of the USS Harpers Ferry, the USS Clevel..