The West Wing Scripts/Season 1
THE WEST WING 22The West Wing Scripts/Season 1 2008. 10. 31. 09:30
THE WEST WING "WHAT KIND OF DAY HAS IT BEEN" WRITTEN BY: AARON SORKIN DIRECTED BY: THOMAS SCHLAMME TEASER FADE IN: EXT. THE NEWSEUM - NIGHT LIVE TOWN HALL MEETING THE NEWSEUM ROSSLYN, VIRGINIA In the alley behind the Newseum, there are waiting crowds and limos. BARTLET [VO] Here’s another one. Two politicians are having an argument. One of them stands up and says, "You’re lying!" The other one a..
THE WEST WING 21The West Wing Scripts/Season 1 2008. 10. 31. 09:29
THE WEST WING “LIES, DAMN LIES, AND STATISTICS” WRITTEN BY: AARON SORKIN DIRECTED BY: DON SCARDINO TEASER FADE IN: INT. JOSH’S BULLPEN AREA - NIGHT Opening shot of a clock on the wall: 7:05. The camera pans down to Donna and Josh walking through. DONNA They got to start the poll, Josh. It’s 7:05. JOSH It’s ten to seven. DONNA No, it’s really not. JOSH It’s 7:05? DONNA Yeah. JOSH That’s ridiculou..
THE WEST WING 20The West Wing Scripts/Season 1 2008. 10. 31. 09:28
THE WEST WING “MANDATORY MINIMUMS” WRITTEN BY: AARON SORKIN DIRECTED BY: ROBERT BERLINGER TEASER FADE IN: INT. SHERATON CENTER HOTEL, WASHINGTON D.C. - NIGHT The camera pans up to Bartlet on a monitor. He is speaking in front of many people. BARTLET I get nervous around laws that fundamentally assume that Americans can't be trusted. We’d better have mandatory sentencing, because judges can't be ..
THE WEST WING 19The West Wing Scripts/Season 1 2008. 10. 31. 09:27
THE WEST WING “LET BARTLET BE BARTLET” TELEPLAY BY: AARON SORKIN STORY BY: PETER PARNELL & PATRICK CADDELL DIRECTED BY: LAURA INNES TEASER FADE IN: INT. COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE - DAY MONDAY MORNING We are shown the open doors to the two offices. Toby is in the left, and Sam is in the right. They yell so they can hear each other. TOBY Is it gonna rain? SAM No. TOBY It looks like it’s gonna rain. SA..
THE WEST WING 18The West Wing Scripts/Season 1 2008. 10. 31. 09:26
THE WEST WING “SIX MEETINGS BEFORE LUNCH” WRITTEN BY: AARON SORKIN DIRECTED BY: CLARK JOHNSON TEASER FADE IN: INT. THE MURAL ROOM - NIGHT THURSDAY, 9:45 P.M. Bonnie is holding a champagne bottle, and a lot of other staffers are gathered around a T.V. listening to Mendoza's confirmation vote. T.V. [VO] Senator Crossfield. CROSSFIELD [VO] Yea. T.V. [VO] Senator Crossfield votes yea. BONNIE Congrat..
THE WEST WING 17The West Wing Scripts/Season 1 2008. 10. 31. 09:23
THE WEST WING "THE WHITE HOUSE PRO-AM" WRITTEN BY: LAWRENCE O'DONNELL JR. & PAUL REDFORD and AARON SORKIN DIRECTED BY: KEN OLIN TEASER FADE IN: INT. MURAL ROOM - DAY Abbey sits in front of cameras with JEFFREY MORGAN. Several members of her staff and Jeffrey's parents sit behind the camera. Production staff adjust lights and apply makeup. ABBEY I don't want you to be nervous. JEFFREY Okay. ABBEY..
THE WEST WING 16The West Wing Scripts/Season 1 2008. 10. 31. 09:20
THE WEST WING “20 HOURS IN L.A.” WRITTEN BY: AARON SORKIN DIRECTED BY: ALAN TAYLOR TEASER FADE IN: EXT. WASHINGTON, D.C. - NIGHT 2:38 A.M. EST CUT TO: INT. BARTLET’S LIMOUSINE - CONTINUOUS Bartlet and Leo are inside the limousine. It’s headed for the airport. BARTLET I don't like putting him in this position. LEO I know. BARTLET I just don't want you to think that I'm getting any pleasure in put..
THE WEST WING 15The West Wing Scripts/Season 1 2008. 10. 31. 09:18
THE WEST WING “CELESTIAL NAVIGATION” TELEPLAY BY: AARON SORKIN STORY BY: DEE DEE MYERS & LAWRENCE O’DONNELL JR. DIRECTED BY: CHRISTOPHER MISIANO TEASER FADE IN: INT. LECTURE HALL - NIGHT DAVID NESSLER, a lecturer, is standing on the stage. Students are taking their seats. NESSLER Good evening. Welcome to the third installment of this year’s Marjorie Dupont lecture series. I see by the size of th..