笑傲江湖 - 滄海一聲笑오덕기(五德記)/中 2008. 6. 11. 09:27
滄海一聲笑 (A Laughter From The Seas)화면에 나오는 자막이 틀린 부분이 있네, 記今朝 앞에 只라는 발음 없는디...보통어 버전.滄海笑,滔滔兩岸潮, The seas laugh, lashing on both shores浮沉隨浪,記今朝。 Carried in the waves, we have only the here and now 蒼天笑,紛紛世上滔, The heavens laugh at the troubled world誰負誰勝出天知曉。 Only they know, who is to win and lose 江山笑,煙雨遙, The mountains laugh, the rain is afar濤浪濤盡,紅塵俗事知多少。 When the waves grow old, the world still goes ..