Frasier Scripts/Season 5
[5.16]Beware Of GreeksFrasier Scripts/Season 5 2008. 6. 5. 18:18
[5.16]Beware Of Greeks ACT ONE Scene One – KACL. Frasier is wrapping up his show. Frasier: Well, that's all the time we have for this afternoon, Seattle. This is Dr. Frasier Crane, wishing you good afternoon, and good mental health. He goes off the air and starts gathering his things into his briefcase. Roz comes into his booth. Roz: Frasier, if I ask your opinion about something, will you give ..
[5.15]Room ServiceFrasier Scripts/Season 5 2008. 6. 5. 18:17
[5.15]Room ServiceACT ONE THE ICE WOMAN COMETH Scene One – KACL Frasier is on the air. He has just begun to listen to Betsy. Frasier: Good afternoon, Betsy. I'm listening. Betsy: [v.o.] Hi, Dr. Crane. My problem is that my husband wants to take me on a cruise for our anniversary. Frasier: Well, that sounds enchanting. Roz holds up a card that says "bathroom." Frasier dismisses it. Betsy: Yes, ex..
[5.14]The Ski LodgeFrasier Scripts/Season 5 2008. 6. 5. 18:16
[5.14]The Ski Lodge ACT ONE Scene One – KACL Frasier has just finished his show. Roz comes in from her booth. Frasier: Oh well, good show today, Roz. I particularly thought that— Roz notices a woman, Connie, talking to an employee in the hall. Roz: Oh my God, there's that Connie from Promotions. Every time she sees me, she hits me up for another charity. Frasier: You know, Roz, maybe it's time y..
[5.13]The Maris CounselorFrasier Scripts/Season 5 2008. 6. 5. 18:15
[5.13]The Maris CounselorACT ONE Scene One - KACL Frasier enters his booth at KACL where Roz is pottering about. Frasier: Morning, Roz. Roz: Hey Frasier, your brother called. He said he'll be over at about seven o' clock tonight. Frasier: Oh, thanks. So, you seem awfully calm today. Roz: Well, why shouldn't I be? Frasier: Well, during ratings week you're usually rather anxious. Roz: [anxious] Oh..
[5.12]The Zoo StoryFrasier Scripts/Season 5 2008. 6. 5. 18:15
[5.12]The Zoo StoryAct One Scene One - Int. Cafe Nervosa. Frasier is ordering his coffee at the counter. Bebe Glazer approaches. Bebe: Well, well, well, look who's here. It's KACL's Frasier Crane. Frasier: And Rosemary's Bebe. Pause. Frasier turns back to the counter. Bebe: So, quite a little shake-up going on down at the station. I hear the new owner wants to renegotiate everyone's contract. Fr..
[5.11]Ain't Nobody's Business If "I Do"Frasier Scripts/Season 5 2008. 6. 5. 18:14
[5.11]Ain't Nobody's Business If "I Do"Act One MAMMA MIA! Scene One - Café Nervosa. Frasier and Niles are sat chatting. Niles: Oh, I got your message about the wine club, Friday night, and yes, I will be there. Frasier: Oh, good, Dad's kicking me out of the house that night so he and Sherry can have a little party. [laughs] Oh, I don't know. Life really is a circle, isn't it? I'm letting Dad use..
[5.10]Where Every Bloke Knows Your NameFrasier Scripts/Season 5 2008. 6. 5. 17:27
[5.10]Where Every Bloke Knows Your NameAct One. A LONG TIME AGO IN A PREP SCHOOL FAR, FAR AWAY... Scene One Many years ago, in a Seattle prep school, a young Niles and a young Frasier are having lunch and a discussion in the school cafeteria. Of course, they were even more snobbish then than they are today. As Frasier eats, Niles carefully wipes his utensils with a napkin. Young Frasier: I speci..
[5.9]Perspectives On ChristmasFrasier Scripts/Season 5 2008. 6. 5. 17:26
[5.9]Perspectives On ChristmasACT ONE A ROOM WITH FOUR VIEWS Scene One - Frasier's Bathroom The Bathroom is dark, lit only by candles. Martin is having a massage. He tells his story. Martin: Ow! Easy. Masseur: Sorry, your neck is tight. Martin: Yeah, well, it's been a tense couple of days. Masseur: The holidays'll do that to you. Martin: Yeah well, this has been the worst Christmas ever. It all ..