The West Wing Scripts/Season 3
Episode 3.13 -- "Night Five"The West Wing Scripts/Season 3 2008. 11. 6. 17:46
THE WEST WING "NIGHT FIVE" WRITTEN BY: AARON SORKIN DIRECTED BY: CHRISTOPHER MISIANO TEASER FADE IN: INT. NORTHWEST LOBBY - NIGHT Camera pans past Charlie at his desk in the background and Stanley sitting waiting in the lobby. FRIDAY 10:05 PM Josh pushes in through the double doors. JOSH Stanley. STANLEY [standing] Josh. JOSH Your flight was all right? STANLEY It was fine. JOSH How are you? STAN..
Episode 3.12 -- “The Two Bartlets”The West Wing Scripts/Season 3 2008. 11. 6. 17:46
THE WEST WING "THE TWO BARTLETS" TELEPLAY BY: KEVIN FALLS AND AARON SORKIN STORY BY: GENE SPERLING DIRECTED BY: ALEX GRAVES TEASER FADE IN: INT. JOSH’S APARTMENT - EARLY MORNING 5:14 A.M. BZZT. The Intercom buzzes. Suddenly, in the dark, Josh sits up in bed, moaning and groaning, just getting up from sleep. BZZT. The Intercom buzzes again. Someone is outside. Josh gets up, turns a light on, and ..
Episode 3.11 -- “100,000 Airplanes”The West Wing Scripts/Season 3 2008. 11. 6. 17:45
THE WEST WING “100,000 AIRPLANES” WRITTEN BY: AARON SORKIN DIRECTED BY: DAVID NUTTER TEASER BARTLET [V.0.] We stand at a critical point--a time of choosing. If we take the hard course, the right course, there is no limit to what we can achieve. There is no limit to what we will achieve... A round of APPLAUSE. FADE IN: INT. NATIONAL STRATEGIES GROUP - NIGHT It's the night of the State of the Unio..
Episode 3.10 -- "H. Con-172"The West Wing Scripts/Season 3 2008. 11. 6. 17:44
THE WEST WING "H. CON - 172" STORY BY: ELI ATTIE TELEPLAY BY: AARON SORKIN DIRECTED BY: VINCENT MISIANO TEASER FADE IN: INT. AN ELEGANT HALLWAY - NIGHT A wonderful array of sculptures and portraits, as well as bright lights, give life to this equally elegant and spacious hallway. As the camera pans, Leo and Jordan come out of the elevator. We follow them, as they look straight ahead and walk to ..
Episode 3.9 -- "Bartlet For America"The West Wing Scripts/Season 3 2008. 11. 6. 17:43
THE WEST WING "BARTLET FOR AMERICA" WRITTEN BY: AARON SORKIN DIRECTED BY: THOMAS SCHLAMME TEASER FADE IN: INT. CONGRESS MEETING ROOM - DAY We see Leo, sitting at a table, alone. A clock is ticking. LEO Mike, come on in. MIKE CASPER I was on the other side... LEO Yeah. Margaret, could you...? MARGARET Yeah. MIKE Lot of people out there. LEO Yeah. So, listen, there were more threats? MIKE Seven ch..
Episode 3.8 -- "The Women of Qumar"The West Wing Scripts/Season 3 2008. 11. 6. 17:39
THE WEST WING "THE WOMEN OF QUMAR" TELEPLAY BY: AARON SORKIN STORY BY: FELICIA WILSON & LAURA GLASSER & JULIA DAHL DIRECTED BY: ALEX GRAVES TEASER FADE IN: INT. THE BRIEFING ROOM - DAY C.J. is at the press briefing. C.J. Katie. KATIE C.J., do you know anything about the President being sued? C.J. Sued? KATIE There was an item in the Rocky Mountain Something Bugler- REPORTER Bugle. KATIE The Rock..
Episode 3.7 -- "The Indians In The Lobby"The West Wing Scripts/Season 3 2008. 11. 6. 17:34
THE WEST WING "THE INDIANS IN THE LOBBY" WRITTEN BY: AARON SORKIN DIRECTED BY: PARIS BARCLAY TEASER FADE IN: INT. THE OVAL OFFICE - DAY Bartlet and C.J. are sitting. C.J. is obviously bored while Bartlet talks. BARTLET I'm not wild about Camp David. C.J. Yes, sir. BARTLET I'm not the only one, either. Bess Truman didn't like it. I read that somewhere. She thought it was dull. [pause] But there I..
Episode 3.6 -- “Gone Quiet”The West Wing Scripts/Season 3 2008. 11. 6. 17:32
THE WEST WING "GONE QUIET" TELEPLAY BY: AARON SORKIN STORY BY: JULIA DAHL & LAURA GLASSER DIRECTED BY: JON HUTMAN TEASER FADE IN: INT. THE SITUATION ROOM - DAY Leo has started talking even before entering the Situation Room. When he does, he faces Nancy, who has been waiting for him. LEO One day, I'm gonna get called to the Situation Room, and it's gonna be good news. We'll have discovered burie..