Andrew Lloyd Webber의 대표작 중에서 The Phantom of the Opera를 제외한 Evita, Cats, Jesus Christ Superstar를 봤는데 그 중에서도 Jesus Christ Superstar는 뭐랄까, by far the best for me.
최고라는 말로는 부족하다. 오페라의 유령도 음반으로는 여러 번 들어 봤기 때문에 내 장담하기를, 적어도 음악적 측면에서는 지저스 크라이스트 슈퍼스타가 그의 작품 중 최고이고, 아마 전체 뮤지컬 중에서도 이보다 더 뛰어난 작품을 찾을 수 있을랑가 모르겠다. (기타 재미라거나 무대 연출은 논외로 하고)
이 뮤지컬을 본 것이 부활절 기간이었는지, 크리스마스 쯤이었는지는 정확히 기억은 안 나지만, 당시 분위기 자체가 종교적이었고, 이 공연을 보러 온 사람들도 무슨 교회 부흥회나, Passion of Christ라는 영화를 보러 온 신자들 같았다. 아직도 인상적이다. 예수가 버럭! 등장할 때 사람들의 우레와 같은 함성과 박수소리..., 그들은 정말 제 눈 앞에 구세주가 나타난듯 그를 반겼고 예수가 고통을 당하면 눈물을 흘리며 괴로워했다.
뭐, 예수가 십자가에 못 박혔서 노래를 부를 때는 나도 눈물을 흘리긴 했지만, 나야 원래 공연 같은 거 보면서 찔찔 짜는게 특기인 사람이니까... (cats 볼 때는 처음에 고양이들이 객석 주변에 나타나는 것 보고도 눈물을 참을 수가 없었다. -_-;)
이 뮤지컬에서 가장 기억에 남는 건, (물론 유다역을 맡은 흑인 가수도 노래를 끝내주게 잘했지만) 예수 역을 맡았던 Ted Neeley 였다. 처음에는 늙은 얼굴에 늙은 목소리 때문에 '내가 상상한 예수와 너무 달라!' 하며 괴리감에 시달렸지만 Gethsemane를 부를 때의 그 천장이 터질 듯한 가창력에 진짜 기절할 뻔 했다. He literally brought down the house! 내게 있어서는 그가 진정한 지저스 크라이스트 슈퍼스타! (아마 Ted Neeley가 공연한 JSC를 보지 않았다면 이렇게 좋아하지 않았을 지도 모르겠다.)
이리하여 이 뮤지컬에 완전 빠지게 된 나는 매일 가사집 들고 이 노래를 쳐 불러서 주위 사람들을 괴롭게 했다. 특히 우리 아부지 많이 시달리셨다. ㅋㅋ 동영상 따온 부분은 내가 이 중에서도 특히 좋아하는 노래들이다. Youtube에 있는 Ted Neeley의 뮤지컬 동영상은 내가 직접 본 그 감동의 반의 반도 못 주지만 다행히 그 분 젊은 시절에 지저스 크라이스트 슈퍼스타로 분하여 찍은 오리지날 영화가 있어 올려 본다.
HEAVEN ON THEIR MINDS 유다가 나와서 처음 부르는 노래 - 유다 콘서트의 서막을 올린다. 이 사람 반골 기질이 참 마음에 들었다. 원래 앤드류 로이드 웨버가 이 뮤지컬 제목을 Jesus Christ Superstar가 아닌 Judas Iscariot Superstar로 지으려고 했었다는 데. 이 뮤지컬의 진정한 주인공은 바로 유다.
(Judas) My mind is clearer now At last All too well I can see Where we all Soon will be If you strip away The myth From the man You will see Where we all Soon will be Jesus! You've started to believe The things they say of you You really do believe This talk of God is true And all the good you've done Will soon get swept away You've begun to matter more Than the things you say Listen Jesus I don't like what I see All I ask is that you listen to me And remember I've been your right hand man all along You have set them all on fire They think they've found the new Messiah And they'll hurt you when they find they're wrong I remember when this whole thing began No talk of God then, we called you a man And believe me My admiration for you hasn't died But every word you say today Gets twisted 'round some other way And they'll hurt you if they think you've lied Nazareth Your famous son Should have stayed a great unknown Like his father carving wood He'd have made good Tables, chairs and oaken chests Would have suited Jesus best He'd have caused nobody harm No one alarm Listen Jesus, do you care for your race? Don't you see we must keep in our place? We are occupied Have you forgotten how put down we are? I am frightened by the crowd For we are getting much too loud And they'll crush us if we go too far If we go too far Listen Jesus to the warning I give Please remember that I want us to live But it's sad to see our chances weakening with ev'ry hour All your followers are blind Too much heaven on their minds It was beautiful, but now it's sour Yes it's all gone sour Ah --- ah ah ah --- ah God Jesus, it's all gone sour Listen Jesus to the warning I give Please remember that I want us to live So come on, come on, listen to me. Ah --- ah Come on, listen, listen to me. Come on and listen to me. Ah --- ah
WHAT'S THE BUZZ / STRANGE THINGS MYSTIFYING What's the Buzz tell me what's happening 이라는 후렴이 입 안을 맴돈다.
(Apostles) What's the buzz Tell me what's happening (Jesus) Why should you want to know? Don't you mind about the future Don't you try to think ahead Save tomorrow for tomorrow Think about today instead I could give you facts and figures I could give you plans and forecasts Even tell you where I'm going (Apostles) When do we ride into Jerusalem? (Jesus) Why should you want to know Why are you obsessed with fighting Times and fates you can't defy? If you knew the path we're riding You'd understand it less than I (Apostles) What's the buzz Tell me what's happening (Mary Magdalene) Let me try To cool down your face a bit (Jesus) That feels nice, so nice Mary, oooh, that is good While you prattle through your supper Where and when and who and how She alone has tried to give me What I need right here and now (Apostles) What's the buzz Tell me what's happening (Judas) It seems to me A strange thing mystifying That a man like you Can waste his time On women of her kind Yes I can understand That she amuses But to let her stroke you Kiss your hair Is hardly in your line It's not that I object To her profession But she doesn't fit in well With what you teach and say It doesn't help us If you are inconsistant They only need a small excuse To put us all away (Jesus) Who are you To criticize her Who are you To despise her Leave her, leave her Let her be now Leave her, leave her She's with me now If your slate is clean Then you can throw stones If your slate is not Then leave her alone I'm amazed that men like you Can be so shallow, thick, and slow There is not a man among you Who knows or cares if I come or go (Apostles, except Judas) No you are wrong You're very wrong How can you say that! How can you say that! (Jesus) Not one, not one of you!
EVERYTHING'S ALRIGHT 뮤지컬 전체에서 내가 Gethsemane와 함께 가장 좋아하는 노래. 예수와 유다의 갈등이 심화되고 있을 때 그녀는 계속 속삭인다. Everything's alright라고.
(Mary Magdalene) Try not to get worried Try not to turn on to Problems that upset you (oh) Don't you know Everything's alright Yes everything's fine And we want you to sleep well tonight Let the world turn without you tonight If we try We'll get by So forget all about us tonight (Apostles' Women) Everything's all right Yes everything's all right yes (Mary Magdalene) Sleep and I shall soothe you Calm you and anoint you Myrrh for your hot forehead (oh) Then you'll feel Everything's all right Yes everything's fine And it's cool and the ointment's sweet For the fire in your head and feet Close your eyes Close your eyes And relax Think of nothing tonight (Apostles' Women) Everything's all right Yes everything's all right yes (Judas) Woman your fine ointment Brand new and expensive Should have been saved for the poor Why has it been wasted? We could have raised maybe Three hundred silver pieces or more People who are hungry People who are starving Matter more Than your feet and hair (Mary Magdalene) Try not to get worried Try not to turn on to Problems that upset you (oh) Don't you know And we want you to sleep well tonight Let the world turn without you tonight If we try We'll get by So forget all about us tonight (women) Everything's all right Yes everything's all right yes (Jesus) Surely you're not saying We have the resources To save the poor from their lot? There will be poor always Pathetically struggling Look at the good things you've got! Think While you still have me Move While you still see me You'll be lost You'll be so sorry When I'm gone (Mary Magdalene) Sleep and I shall soothe you Calm you and anoint you Myrrh for your hot forehead (oh) then you'll feel Everything's alright Yes everything's fine And it's cool and the ointment's sweet For the fire in your head and feet Close your eyes Close your eyes And relax Think of nothing tonight (Apostles' Women) Close your eyes Alose your eyes And relax Think of nothing Everything's all right Yes everything's all right yes
HOSANNA 호산나 헤이 산나 산나 산나 호~ 산나 헤이 산나 호산나~ 예수여, 나를 위해 죽어 줄 수 있나요?
(Crowd) Hosanna Heysanna Sanna Sanna Ho Sanna Hey Sanna Ho Sanna Hey J C, J C won't you smile at me? Sanna Ho Sanna Hey Superstar (Caiaphas) Tell the rabble to be quiet We anticipate a riot This common crowd Is much too loud Tell the mob who sing your song That they are fools and they are wrong They are a curse They should disperse (Crowd) Hosanna Heysanna Sanna Sanna Ho Sanna Hey Sanna Ho Sanna Hey J C, J C you're alright by me Sanna Ho Sanna Hey Superstar (Jesus) Why waste your breath moaning at the crowd? Nothing can be done to stop the shouting If ev'ry tongue was still the noise would still continue The rocks and stones themselves would start to sing: (Crowd, with Jesus) Hosanna Heysanna Sanna Sanna Ho Sanna Hey Sanna Ho Sanna
(Crowd alone) Hey J C, J C won't you fight for me? Sanna Ho Sanna Hey Superstar (Jesus)
Sing me your songs,
But not for me alone.
Sing out for yourselves,
For you are bless-ed.
There is not one of you
Who cannot win the kingdom.
The slow, the suffering,
The quick, the dead.
(crowd, with Jesus)
Hey Sanna Sanna Sanna Hosanna
Hey Sanna Hosanna
(Crowd alone)
Hey JC, JC won't you die for me?
Sanna Hosanna Hey Superstar
SIMON ZEALOTES 뮤지컬을 보던 관객들은 simon zealotes!
Christ you know I love you Did you see I waved? I believe in you and God So tell me that I'm saved Jesus, I am with you Touch me, touch me Jesus Jesus, I am on your side Kiss me, kiss me Jesus (Simon) What more do you need to convince you That you have made it and you're easily as strong As the filth from Rome who raped our country And who've terrorized our people for so long? (Chorus) Christ you know I love you Did you see I waved? I believe in you and God So tell me that I'm saved Jesus I am with you Touch me, touch me Jesus Jesus I am on your side Kiss me, kiss me Jesus (Simon) There must be over fifty thousand Screaming love and more for you Everyone of fifty thousand Would do whatever you ask him to Keep them yelling their devotion But add a touch of hate at Rome You will rise to a greater power We will win ourselves come home You'll get the power and the glory For ever and ever and ever You got the power and the glory For ever and ever and ever Amen! Amen! (Jesus) Neither you Simon, nor the fifty thousand Nor the Romans, nor the Jews Nor Judas, nor the twelve Nor the priests, nor the scribes Nor doomed Jerusalem itself Understand what power is Understand what glory is Understand at all Understand at all If you knew all that I knew My poor Jerusalem You'd see the truth But you'd close your eyes But you'd close your eyes While you live Your troubles are many Poor Jerusalem To conquer death You only have to die You only have to die
THE TEMPLE Get out! 예수님 포스 만땅!
(Moneylenders and Merchants) Roll on up -- for my price is down Come on in -- for the best in town Take your pick of the finest wine Lay your bets on this bird of mine Name your price I got everything Come and buy it's all going fast Borrow cash on the finest terms Hurry now while stocks still last (Jesus) My temple should be a house of prayer But you have made it a den of thieves Get up, get out My time Is almost through Little left to do After all I've tried for three years Seems like thirty Seems like thirty (Crowd) See my eyes I can hardly see See me stand I can hardly walk I believe you can make me whole See my tongue I can hardly talk See my skin I'm a mass of blood See my legs I can hardly stand I believe you can make me well See my purse I'm a poor, poor man Will you touch, will you mend me Christ? Won't you touch, will you heal me Christ? Will you kiss, you can heal me Christ Won't you kiss, won't you pay me Christ? (Jesus) Oh, there's too many of you, don't push me Oh, there's too little of me, don't crowd me Heal yourselves!
I DON'T KNOW HOW TO LOVE HIM 이 뮤지컬에서 가장 유명한 노래. 난 마리아가 부르는 이 노래보다, 유다가 후에 괴로워 하며 부르던 것이 뇌리에 남는다.
(Mary Magdelene) Close your eyes Close your eyes And forget all about us tonight
I don't know how to love him What to do, how to move him I've been changed, yes really changed In these past few days When I've seen myself I seem like someone else I don't know how to take this I don't see why he moves me He's a man He's just a man And I've had so many Men before In very many ways He's just one more Should I bring him down Should I scream and shout Should I speak of love Let my feelings out? I never thought I'd come to this What's it all about? Don't you think it's rather funny I should be in this position? I'm the one Who's always been So calm so cool No lover's fool Running every show He scares me so I never thought I'd come to this What's it all about? Yet If he said he loved me I'd be lost I'd be frightened I couldn't cope Just couldn't cope I'd turn my head I'd back away I wouldn't want to know He scares me so I want him so I love him so
THE LAST SUPPER 다빈치의 최후의 만찬을 뮤지컬에서 표현해 낸 미장센. 긴장감 고조
(Apostles) Look at all my trials and tribulations Sinking in a gentle pool of wine Don't disturb me now I can see the answers Till this evening is this morning life is fine Always hoped that I'd be an apostle Knew that I would make it if I tried Then when we retire we can write the gospels So they'll still talk about us when we've died (Jesus) The end . . . Is just a little harder when brought about by friends For all you care this wine could be my blood For all you care this bread could be my body The end! This is my blood you drink This is my body you eat If you would remember me when you eat and drink . . . I must be mad thinking I'll be remembered - yes I must be out of my head! Look at your blank faces!My name will mean nothing Ten minutes after I'm dead! One of you denies me One of you betrays me (Apostles) Not I!Who would?Impossible! (Jesus) Peter will deny me in just a few hours Three times will deny me - and that's not all I see One of you here dining, one of my twelve chosen Will leave to betray me - (Judas) Cut out the dramatics!You know very well who - (Jesus) Why don't you go do it? (Judas) You want me to do it! (Jesus) Hurry they are waiting (Judas) If you knew why I do it . . . (Jesus) I don't care why you do it! (Judas) To think I admired you For now I despise you (Jesus) You liar - you Judas (Judas) You wanted me to do it! What if I just stayed here And ruined your ambition? Christ you deserve it! (Jesus) Hurry you fool, hurry and go, Save me your speeches I don't want to know - Go!Go! (Apostles) Look at all my trials and tribulations Sinking in a gentle pool of wine What's that in the bread it's gone to my head Till this morning is this evening life is fine Always hoped that I'd be an apostle Knew that I would make it if I tried Then when we retire we can write the gospels So they'll all talk about us when we've died (Judas) You sad pathetic man - see where you've brought us to Our ideals die around us and all because of you But the saddest cut of all - Someone has to turn you in Like a common criminal, like a wounded animal A jaded mandarin A jaded mandarin Like a jaded, faded, faded, jaded, jaded mandarin (Jesus) Get out!They're waiting!Get out!They're waiting! Oh!They're waiting for you! (Judas) Everytime I look at you I don't understand Why you let the things you did get so out of hand You'd have managed better if you'd had it planned - Ah --- ah (Apostles) Look at all my trials and tribulations Sinking in a gentle pool of wine What's that in the bread it's gone to my head Till this evening is this morning life is fine Always hoped that I'd be an apostle Knew that I would make it if I tried (If I tried) Then when we retire we can write the gospels So they'll still talk about us when we've died (Jesus) Will no-one stay awake with me? Peter?John?James? Will none of you wait with me? Peter?John?James?
I ONLY WANT TO SAY (GETHSEMANE) 절규! 절규! 그 어디에나 있다는 대갈통을 보여줘~!
(Jesus) I only want to say If there is a way Take this cup away from me For I don't want to taste its poison Feel it burn me, I have changed I'm not as sure As when we started Then I was inspired Now I'm sad and tired Listen surely I've exceeded Expectations Tried for three years Seems like thirty Could you ask as much From any other man? But if I die See the saga through And do the things you ask of me Let them hate me, hit me, hurt me Nail me to their tree I'd want to know I'd want to know my God I'd want to know I'd want to know my God I'd want to see I'd want to see my God I'd want to see I'd want to see my God Why I should die Would I be more noticed Than I ever was before? Would the things I've said and done Matter any more? I'd have to know I'd have to know my Lord I'd have to know I'd have to know my Lord I'd have to see I'd have to see my Lord I'd have to see I'd have to see my Lord If I die what will be my reward? If I die what will be my reward? I'd have to know I'd have to know my Lord I'd have to know I'd have to know my Lord Why, why should I die? Oh, why should I die? Can you show me now That I would not be killed in vain? Show me just a little Of your omnipresent brain Show me there's a reason For your wanting me to die You're far too keen on where and how But not so hot on why Alright I'll die! Just watch me die! See how, see how I die! Oh, just watch me die! Then I was inspired Now I'm sad and tired After all I've tried for three years Seems like ninety Why then am I scared To finish what I started What you started I didn't start it God thy will is hard But you hold every card I will drink your cup of poison Nail me to your cross and break me Bleed me, beat me Kill me, take me now Before I change my mind
SUPERSTAR Jesus Christ Superstar~ 사람들이 말하는 그가 당신이라고 생각하나요?
(Voice of Judas) Ev'ry time I look at you I don't understand Why you let the things you did Get so out of hand You'd have managed better If you'd had it planned Now why'd you choose such a backward time And such a strange land? If you'd come today You could have reached a whole nation Isreal in 4 BC Had no mass communication (Don't you get me wrong) Don't you get me wrong (Don't you get me wrong, now) Don't you get me wrong (Don't you get me wrong) Don't you get me wrong (Don't you get me wrong, now) Don't you get me wrong (Only want to know) Only want to know (Only want to know, now) Only want to know (Only want to know) Only want to know (Only want to know, now) Only want to know Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Who are you?What have you sacrificed? Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Who are you?What have you sacrificed? Jesus Christ Superstar Do you think you're what they say you are? Jesus Christ Superstar Do you think you're what they say you are? Tell me what you think About your friends at the top Now who d'you think besides yourself Was the pick of the crop? Buddah was he where it's at? Is he where you are? Could Mahomet move a mountain Or was that just PR? Did you mean to die like that? Was that a mistake or Did you know your messy death Would be a record breaker? (Don't you get me wrong)Don't you get me wrong (Don't you get me wrong, now)Don't you get me wrong (Don't you get me wrong)Don't you get me wrong (Don't you get me wrong, now)Don't you get me wrong (Only want to know)Only want to know (Only want to know, now)Only want to know (Only want to know)Only want to know (Only want to know, now)I only want to know Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Who are you?What have you sacrificed? Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Who are you?What have you sacrificed? Jesus Christ Superstar Do you think you're what they say you are? Jesus Christ Superstar Do you think you're what they say you are? Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Who are you?What have you sacrificed? Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Who are you?What have you sacrificed? Jesus Christ Superstar Do you think you're what they say you are? Jesus Christ Superstar Do you think you're what they say you are?
2부에 있는 노래들은 별로 안 좋아한다. 처음부터 superstar까지 너무 적나라한 가사들을 써서 미안한지 물타기 하는 느낌이 강한지라. ㅋㅋ
어쨌든 Ted Neeley가 공연하는 Jesus Christ Superstar을 본 것은 내게는 행운!
그냥 가기 아쉬워서 보너스로 겟세마네를 부르는 Ted Neeley의 Farewell 공연 장면. 이미 예순이 넘었지만, 영화에 나왔을 때보다 노래는 더 잘하시는 듯.